Aubrey and Owl’s

Adventures 2

Chapter 1:  The Camera Club

Myeong from South Korea joins the camera club and they see the Fire department in action.

Chapter 2: The Car Park

Mr. Lester has a problem at the town’s car park and Sergeant comes to the rescue.

Chapter 3: The Package Robbers

Packages from the town’s homes are disappearing. Who is taking them. The camera club investigate.

Chapter 4: The Theatre

The town’s old theatre is re-opening and everybody is excited. The newspaper advertises the event.What could go wrong?

Chapter 5: The Fire Station

A full days action at the fire station. The camera club follow the emergencies.

Chapter 6: Kong, The Gorilla

A dangerous animal escapes from the zoo. Should the town be afraid? The camera club come to the rescue.

Chapter 7: A Flock of Parrots

The town is under attack from flocks of parrots. What can be done?